Eating Disorders

Cumberland Hospital’s Eating Disorders Program provides specialized treatment to patients diagnosed with eating disorders that enable them to regain autonomy and develop a healthy relationship with food.


Eating Support Protocol

In Cumberland Hospital’s specialized program for eating disorders, patients will work through protocol “phases” that allow them to practice varying degrees of responsibility and autonomy over their food and activity. This allows for more predictability, gives clear expectations for advancement and offers camaraderie from peers.

Most patients who come to our Eating Support Protocol Program are diagnosed with disorders, such as Anorexia or Bulimia, who are medically unstable and can be receiving nourishment through NG tubing.

The multidisciplinary team includes physicians and medical staff, psychotherapists, nurses, dietitians, case managers and behavioral health technicians. Occupational, speech and physical therapy services are also on-site and provide stress management groups, mindful movement group and other individualized treatments as needed.

Patients participate in individual, family and group therapies that focus on understanding the dynamics of a person’s eating disorder and the purpose it serves in their life, while learning new ways to meet their needs.

Who We Can Treat

Our program and treatment team can help patients from specialized groups that include those with:

  • Extremely low BMIs
  • Refeeding issues
  • Cardiac and electrolyte imbalances
  • Patients needing calorie replacement (NG tube or G-tube feeding)
  • Diabulimia (Diabetes and Eating Disorders)

What We Teach Our Patients

In our program, patients can learn to:

  • Slowly manage compensatory behaviors such as binging, purging, compulsive activity and restricting
  • Address food fears and anxieties around meals
  • Improve comfort with social eating
  • Re-establish independent eating behaviors with support of their team

Therapists work with individual patients and family to address any co-occurring issues such as depression, anxiety, anger, trauma and family struggles.

Jennifer Rice, Psy.D., LCP

Dr. Rice is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. She has worked in a variety of clinical settings, including inpatient, residential community mental health facilities, schools and hospitals, as a direct-care staff, therapist, supervisor and administrator. Her clinical work has focused on assisting individuals struggling with eating disorders, chronic illnesses, self-injurious behaviors, emotional dysregulation issues and trauma-reactive behaviors to help patients grieve, heal and learn new skills. She has a passion for helping people reach their potential and overcome challenges.

Help and hope are closer than you think.

Specialized medical care and personalized mental health treatment is ready for you. We are here to help.